Get the information you need to become a member or approved trainer, including our online membership application.
Membership to the Energy Training Council (ETC) is open to any oil and gas operating companies or service contractors, who engage in activities of oil and gas and are concerned about safety.
The required membership fee is $1,000/year and authorizes a vote in the election of executive committee elections, administration, and development of ETC programs, policies, and procedures. Membership is renewable in June of each year.
Membership fees shall be used to develop, upgrade, or implement training programs and offset operating expenses as deemed necessary by the ETC Steering Committee.
Training institutions desiring to be “ETC… Approved” training institutions must submit to ETC… a completed application approved by the ETC… with a $25.00 non-refundable application fee. Once the application is reviewed, and approved the training institution will receive all appropriate materials and access to appropriate resources of the ETC… and will be authorized to begin training ETC… approved materials. The new Approved Training Institution’s designated Administrator is responsible for reviewing and ensuring that the ETC… bylaws are followed and that all ETC… courses are taught as prescribed.
*** Our Online Feature is Currently Being Updated, if you would like to Become A Member or Institution, please contact us.***
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