Safeland USA
SafeLandUSA is a volunteer organization comprised of major and independent operating companies, industry associations, and educators with the purpose of developing a standardized orientation which sets minimum requirements for the US Onshore E&P Industry.
- Orientation designed specifically for our US Onshore E&P Industry
- Consistent EH&S orientation which is industry recognized and widely accepted
- Orientation remains with employee throughout career
- Quality assurance through an audit program and oversight committee
- Eliminates redundancy of multiple orientations for single employee
What operators are supporting SafeLandUSA?
The Operators listed below recognize and support the SafeLandUSA Orientation, with a primary goal of reducing the number of preventable accidents in our industry's journey
to zero accidents.
- Behavioral Safety
- Intervention
- Incident Reporting & Investigation
- Substance Abuse Awareness
- Prevention of Workplace Violence
- Job Safety & Environmental Analysis
- Hazcom
- Incident Prevention Signs & Tags
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Fall Protection
- Hand Safety
- First Aid/Cpr/Aed
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Permitting
- Confined Space
- Excavation-Trenching & Shoring
- Hydrogen Sulfide Awarenss
- Fire Prevention & Portable Fire Extinguishers
- Electrical Safety (non-qualified)
- Lockout/Tagout
- Material Handling
- Walking Working Surfaces
- Occupational Health
- Environmental Awareness
- Onshore Orientation & Emergency Evacuation